
Powder injection molding is widely used in the field of mobile phones

Editor:嘉興精科科技有限公司 │ Release Time:2021-03-08 

The application of powder injection molding is now more and more widespread, and mobile phones use powder injection molding technology. As the market needs a lighter, thinner and more beautiful mobile phone, the best technology is to reduce the size of the mobile phone, and mobile phone companies are seeking to use metal injection molding to make mobile phone assemblies.

Our first metal mobile phone was made of aluminum. We found that in order to meet all the requirements, the metal injection molding method is the best and in many cases the only option. But as the first material part, metal injection molding, because the mobile phone market has a very short service life, the style changes rapidly, and the metal injection molding method has a long production cycle and high cost.

Nowadays, several mobile phone components are manufactured by metal injection molding. For example, tungsten is used to make oscillators to balance weight, and high-strength steel hinges are used. Metal injection molding applications are the most important sliders, barrels and hinges in mobile phone manufacturing. The technical advantages of metal injection molding and the metal injection molding method can increase its application in mobile phone manufacturing. The metal injection molding method in the mobile phone manufacturing industry lacks an impact on the application.

Now metal injection molding methods are used to create the structure and functions of composite mobile phones, such as flip phones. Taking into account the time and cost of manufacturing, ordinary mobile phones cannot be used for metal injection molded parts.

It can be seen from this incident that the application of powder injection molding is becoming more and more extensive. The technology is becoming more and more proficient, and with the development of social economy, powder injection molding will enter a higher level.